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Ahmiranil Haerat

Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar




international conference is a meeting event in a forum which is attended by participants from all over the world. Participants in international conferences can come from various academic circles. Conference is a meeting or meeting to negotiate or exchange opinions on a problem that is faced together. The international conference held by the English education study program aims to be able to further improve and provide important knowledge for students in the English education department at Alauddin State Islamic University, Makassar. This international conference was held on 14-15 September 2022 at Campus 1 uin alauddin makassar. This international conference was attended by communicators, educators both from abroad and within the country.

Keywords: conference, interest in learning, meeting



Education is one of the most important things in a person's life. Education is what determines and guides the future and direction of one's life. Even though not everyone thinks like that, education is still the first human need. One's expertise talent will be formed and honed through education. Education is also generally used as a benchmark for the quality of each person.

Martinus Jan Langeveld, education is an effort to help students to be able to carry out life tasks independently and be responsible orally and immorally. In this case, education is also interpreted as an effort to build children to be more mature.

It's the same with English education, where we teach and learn how we can know about the English world and of course the main thing is the language. In general, English language education focuses on learning to listen, speak, read, write as well as the use of English in various contexts such as communicating in business, presentations, writing, articles and even drama performances. Of course also learn grammar.

English language education holds international conferences or international meetings with several educators both abroad and overseas. This study program works with educators to teach and disseminate material about the English language and also their achievements so that students can be motivated by educators.



In international conferences held by the English language education study program at the University of Alauddin Makassar, it is carried out online, namely via zoom. However, part of the conference, especially part of those who held the conference, namely the committee, lecturers, students, what they did was at Campus 1 Uin Alauddin Makassar.

This international conference was held for 2 days. The first day of the opening was carried out by the Chancellor of the Uin Alauddin Makassar campus, Prof. Hamdan Juhannis, MA., Ph.D and the head of the English language education study program, Prof. Dr. Hj. St. Azisah, M.Ed.St,Ph.D. then the greetings that were present on that day/place were given, especially to educators from outside and within the country. On the first day, the main speaker, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Yaumi, M. Hum. (Uin Alauddin Makassar) then the second speaker was brought by dr. Kaharuddin, S.IP., M.Hum. (Uin Alauddin Makassar), the next speaker was Dr. Anne Keary (Monash University, Australia) and the last speaker on the first day was Steve Bolton, B.A (Hons), M.A (IALF Bali Trainer).

Then on the second day of the international conference which was held by the English language education study program, State University of Alauddin Makassar, in the first session, at 09:00 pm, material was delivered by our campus lecturer, Uin Makassar, namely Dr. Kaharuddin, M. Hum with the theme "the effect of using English Islamic pop song on students' English vocabulary size at MA As'adiyah No. 21 Kampiri”. Then continued with the presentation of material by Ahmad Dahlan University Marsa Ayu Tira with the theme Analyze The Educators' Abilities To Cope With The Covid-19 Pandemic Are Being Improved. After that, it was continued by Ishoma and continued with the presentation of material from various educators at the international conference. After the presentation of the material, the closing of the conference was carried out by the head of the Department of English Education, Dra. Hj. St. Azisah, M.Ed.St., Ph.D (Uin Alauddin Makassar).



After completing the presentation of material from various international educators, a conclusion was drawn from this international conference which was held by the English language education study program at the State Islamic University of Alauddin Makassar together with these international educators, with the conclusion that there is a close relationship between educators and prospective educators and expects the purpose of intelligence and expertise of the students after getting the material or knowledge that has been delivered by the educators. After this the relationship of cooperation and friendship will run properly.