
  • 04:16 WITA
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In linguistics, semantics is the study of meaning in language. It explores how words and sentences convey information. This presentation will delve into the definition, examples, and types of semantics to provide a comprehensive understanding.

Definition of Semantics

Semantics is the branch of linguistics that deals with the study of meaning. It focuses on how words and phrases convey information and how this information is interpreted. Understanding semantics is crucial in language analysis and interpretation.


Examples of Semantics

Examples of semantics include understanding the difference between the words 'buy' and 'purchase', or the various meanings of the word 'bank'. These examples highlight the nuances and complexities of language and meaning.


Types of Semantics

There are various types of semantics, including lexical semantics, which focuses on the meaning of individual words, and formal semantics, which studies the logical aspects of meaning. Other types include cognitive semantics and pragmatics.


Semantic Change

Semantic change refers to the evolution of word meanings over time. This phenomenon can be observed in words like 'gay', which has undergone a significant semantic shift. Understanding semantic change is crucial in historical and etymological studies.


Ambiguity in Semantics

Ambiguity occurs when a word, phrase, or sentence has more than one interpretation. This can lead to confusion and miscommunication. Understanding and resolving ambiguity is a key aspect of semantics.


Applied Semantics

Semantics has practical applications in fields such as natural language processing, where understanding the meaning of text is essential for tasks like machine translation and information retrieval. It also plays a crucial role in linguistic analysis and language teaching.



This presentation has provided an in-depth exploration of semantics, covering its definition, examples, types, and practical applications. Understanding semantics is fundamental in comprehending the intricate nature of language and communication.

Written by:

Alya Nanda Muthia, Halifatunnisa Suhas, Muh. Iqra Maulana. S, Rumaisha Hanifa, Fidia Ramadhani Dahlan

Kelas A-2023