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Psycholinguistics is a multidisciplinary science in the form of a combination of psychology and linguistics. Psycholinguistics studies the psychological and neurobiological factors that enable humans to acquire, use, and understand language.



<!--[if !supportLists]-->1.      1. <!--[endif]-->Theoretical Psycholinguistics

It is a branch that studies things related to language theory, for example the nature of language and the characteristics of human language. This field studies how human expressions are conveyed in language, for example with what attitudes or body language appear and what differences between human language differ from one another and what influences can change it. (Also read about the role of psychology in the hotel business).


For example, there is a difference between the characteristics of modern language and traditional language, in modern language everything is conveyed with words and each other understands it, whereas in traditional language in the past, body movements were often seen to strengthen it, it is these language characteristics that have been studied into various theories. (Also read about the role of psychology in the world of theology).


<!--[if !supportLists]-->2.   2.   <!--[endif]-->Developmental Psycholinguistics

In connection with language acquisition, both first and second languages ​​used in daily life, which language is the main language, the easiest language to use and the most important language in everyday life, each language always has developments that occur from external influences. (Also read about how to make children focus and concentrate).


For example, there is a change in the language used by today's young people compared to young people in the past who used to often use their respective regional languages ​​in their daily lives, which has now changed to a language that is a mixture of regional languages, the core languages ​​of the country, and languages ​​from the West which are sometimes made up of abbreviations. certain abbreviations to make it easier to understand and convey. (Also read about how to respond to extreme fanaticism).


<!--[if !supportLists]-->3.      3. <!--[endif]-->Social Psycholinguistics

Examining the social aspects of language regarding cultural acculturation and language attitudes, regarding language that is conveyed directly to other people or to people around them in social life or in everyday life, this will become the basis for relating or communicating with other people. (Also read about how to train autistic children to focus).

For example, someone who is used to using polite regional language in everyday life and differentiates his expressions, namely expressing things to parents or respected people more gently and conveying them normally to people or friends of the same age, this will be the difference in his socializing.


<!--[if !supportLists]-->4.      4. <!--[endif]-->Educational Psycholinguistics

It is a branch of psycholinguistics regarding language teaching in general which is taught or studied in everyday educational life. This science studies how a teacher teaches language habits to his students or how a student is able to understand and accept it.


If both parties are able to understand each other, it will create enjoyable learning and education and be able to understand whatever field is being taught, this will also influence comfort in learning and create a close relationship between the teacher who teaches and the students who are taught.


<!--[if !supportLists]-->5.      5. <!--[endif]-->Neuropsycholiungistics

The next branch is the relationship between humans and the human brain regarding language skills, which parts of the brain influence a person's language skills and how to improve and maximize this, this is important because it becomes material for parents to teach an understanding of language education from an early age to his children.


This theory is studied by scientists and is often the basis in health sciences related to training children to be able to have the best language skills and be able to have good social skills related to the language they have and also becomes the basis for the subsequent intelligence process possessed by the child or person. the.


<!--[if !supportLists]-->6.     6. <!--[endif]-->Experimental Psycholinguistics

Experiments in all fields involving language and language behavior are also studied, namely those related to all kinds of experiments in daily life, from all these experiments the best theories and the best ways to be able to have language that is easy to understand are obtained.


Language is indeed the basis for all people in dealing with other people and is the basis for understanding the people around them. When you are in a strange place and do not know the language spoken, it will certainly become confusing for that person because you are not able to know what is happening around you. .


Therefore, it is necessary to understand a certain language when visiting a previously unknown place. If no one is able to understand it, it will be difficult for him to get everything, whether it be in the form of fulfilling his own needs or how to ask for help when he is in trouble.


<!--[if !supportLists]-->7.     7.  <!--[endif]-->Applied Psycholinguistics

This is the application of the findings above in certain fields in everyday life, all the theories above are applied directly and pay special attention to what makes it easy and difficult in daily application, in the application you will be able to understand how humans behave and what their character is like. humans relate to the language expressed to others.


These fields include education, teaching, neurology, psychiatry, communication, literature, etc. Applications in this field relate to how it is delivered and how to understand the two parties involved which will produce communication that is understood by both and give rise to certain attitudes or responses.


For example, the responses that arise are in the form of questions, rebuttals, criticism, or positive responses, these responses occur from the understanding that is possessed and how the language is conveyed, therefore psycholinguistics does have an important role in everyday social life.


Written by:

Andi Nurhikma, Stri Mulyani Hamring, Dinda Wardaniah, Wafiq Azizah and Mayang Sari

PBI A-2023